Behold the St John doughnut. Defiantly cricket-ball shaped (none of that ring-with-a-hole business), deep-fried, rolled in sugar, overstuffed with cream. I was given a box for my birthday last week by our very own wine-botherer Ruth Ford. She had hurried down to the bakery in Bermondsey that morning, and, that evening, secretly hunched over the box, we wolfed them down there and then in the bar of fifty guests, guilty only because we couldn't quite bring ourselves to share.
Any host would love you if you brought a box. I know I would.
St John Bakery
Open from 9am - 4pm, Saturdays only
Dec 4: Alessi Parrot Sommelier Corkscrew
With bread must come wine. Well, something to get to it anyway. Here is a delightful corkscrew that looks like a parrot. Nice, eh? Alessi have done it again, a cheeky and useful present for the gamely sum of £27.

You can buy them from A White Room
love those corkscrews... yes please Santa!
hope you're being good - you might get one in your stocking!
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